“That Sugar Film” – a documentary

For years, people have been advised to follow a “healthy” eating lifestyle by reducing fat intake and increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables.  So people have been buying and eating low fat products and swapping fizzy, cola type drinks for fruit juices in order to lose weight and improve their health.

Damon Gameau, an Australian actor, recently carried out an experiment in which he gave up sugar and ate what are perceived as “healthy” low fat foods and swapped fizzy soft drinks for fruit juices.  His efforts were filmed by a documentary team and the  film “That Sugar Film” which follows Damon’s experiment will be transmitted in March 2015.  It looks at the effect of sugar on his body with a shocking outcome.  The results were that his health, both physical and mental, was compromised by the hidden sugars contained in these so-called “healthy” foods.

Although he gave up the obvious sugar containing foods such as ice-cream, confectionery and soft drinks, he put on 10cm of visceral fat around his waist due to the hidden sugar in the low fat food and in the fruit juice.

This film has yet to air (due March 2015) but you can view the YouTube trailer here:

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